Saturday, September 25, 2010


One of my friend send me a card....The front page of the card it's a picture of a penguin walking with flips open widely in the snow....

Have you guys always thought why penguin walk with its flips open widely? For balancing?For using it whenever it dive into the big sea?If I ask the question,do I get all sorts of answers?
This card send me a really meaningful message for me....I love the message that the card wrote!

The card wrote," Few things are worse than being in the hug position and no one to hug!"....
What's your reaction if you got this card?
I felt really meaningful and love the penguin so much.....
What about you?

1 comment:

  1. 企鹅是非常可爱的一种动物。如果你有看过2005由National Geographic 拍摄的一部叫“March of the Penguins” (French: La Marche de L'Empereur)的电影,讲诉体积最大的企鹅品种 -- Emperor Penguin,为了寻找伴侣和养育小宝宝的伟大故事。非产个好的一部电影,你会更喜欢和respect他们。
